Sunday, August 21

How Read a Novel Can Trigger Changes on the Futures of Your Brain

The Lovers of literature can be proud and happy, a new Study which combines the properties of Humanitarian science and knowledge science of Neuroscience, examined the effects of what happens in the brain while reading a novel. The researchers said that exploring a book not only can change your perspective, but it also can change your mind - at least for a few days.

Reading a novel is Fun

The researchers, from Emory University-Atalanta, published their findings in the Journal titled BRAIN CONNECTIVITY.
Scientist Gregory Berns, is a writer and director of Emory's center Science Neuroscience says
"A story is shaping our lives, and in some cases help define a person. We want to understand how a story can get into your brain, and what they did to it.

To investigate the relationship between reading the novel idea, the researchers recruited 21 students from Emory, who are instructed to read a thriller that was written by Robert Harris in 2003 entitled Pompeii.

Based on the true story of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the days of ancient Italy, Berns explains that the narrative of the novel is the protagonist character Fiction which is outside the city of Pompeii were aware of the hot steam and strange happenings around the mountain.

When the hero is trying to save the girl in love her back to the city of Pompeii, Volcano eruption was continually .., while those who are inside the city are not aware of the signs of the eruption, said Berns.

"It's important for us to know that the book has a very strong narrative line."
She explained that the study participants will read the book with an interesting plot.

Changes in language and the motor skills Sensor Part of the Brain

After performing fMRI scans, researchers found that reading the novel lead time effect
in the area of the brain responsible for language acquisition and for the representation of the body's sensory.
For 19 consecutive days, the study participants supervised by the researchers. In the first 5 days, the researchers conducted basic Functional Scan Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) in the brain of the student at the time they were in a state of rest.

Then, For 9 days, the students are reading certain specific parts to complete. Instructed them to read a particular passage in the evenings, and comeback to the researchers in to the next morning.

Like learning on campus, they will get a Quiz, to prove that they have completed the reading is assigned to them, after which they returned underwent fMRI scans in conditions not being read, in a state of rest.

After completing the novel, the students then back again for the next five additional days, where they again undergo fMRI scans under resting conditions.

On the morning after the session to read, the researchers observed an increase in connectivity in the left temporal cortex, which is part of the brain associated with language reception.

Berns explains that this increase in connectivity is fixed, although the students are not reading a book when in scan.

"We call it  Shadow activity, almost like muscle memory", he said.

Researchers also noticed an increase in connectivity in the brain area known as the Central Sulcus. This is the area of the brain Main Motor sensor.

They explained that, for example, when we are only thinking about running, we can activate neurons in the brain associated with real physical movement from running.

Nerve Changes Not Only Happens for a moment / Instant

Berns said of their discovery "Shows that reading novels can be transporting us into the body Protagonist character that is in the novel."
He added:
"We already know that a good story can put you in the position of others in a figurative sense. At this time we also see that something may happen Biologics."

Interestingly, because the researchers observed a change in the nervous even 5 days after the students read the novel. Berns said that the reaction was not just a moment.

Although he said that his team was not sure how long the change will last, Berns notes that they make observations on students who read the novel randomly assigned in accordance with.
Shows that, Your Favorite Novel  will definitely have a greater effect and longer lasting in your brain biology.  -medicalnewstoday

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