Saturday, October 8

Breast Cancer

Breast Canceris a type of cancer that is most feared by the rest of the world's women, cancer commonly suffered by women who are quite deadly. Surprising facts, this type of cancer is not only attacking the women but the men found at least 1 of 100 cases.

New cases and deaths caused by breast cancer in the United States in 2014 is estimated at more than 200.000 sufferers ((Cancer. Gov, Breast Cancer, retrieved 20 October 2014)), the following details:

New cases: 232,670 (female); 2360 (male)
Death: 40,000 (female); 430 (male)
Reviewing the ins and outs of breast cancer ranging from distinctive, signs, causes, external factors, food up to the treatment, herbal treatment, and can be used as prevention or as a solution it is very important to know.

A brief story of breast cancer

Not easy for a Anne Heryer (breast cancer survivor, Pulse Magazine,2013) received the verdict itself affected by breast cancer for the second time in his life. Heryer do chemotherapy and therapy is only torturing himself. The same is also felt by the Abbey (, since the convicted had cancer September 2012 he felt desperate, and ultimately perform various treatments to cure his illness. The current Abbey active healthy lifestyle campaign with the movement ran a marathon for cancer survivors. Abbey trust, the sport run and walk every day can kill cancer cells that lodged in his body.

What causes breast cancer?

The experience of suffering from the deadly disease breast cancer Heryer and Abbey as warning again for women around the world. Currently, in London the number of people with cancer are diagnosed each year 50,000 inhabitants was increased, the number of women who died an average of 12,000 each year and 80% of women who are diagnosed with cancer of the breast predicted only able to survive for five years.

What about the number of cancer sufferers in Indonesia? Indonesia Health profile is excerpted from 2008, the number of cases of breast cancer sufferers as much as 5,207 case, three years earlier of 7,850 cases. This data is the data that did sufferers diagnosis only, whereas sufferers don't do diagnosis, predictable amount more to fulfill the number of sufferers who do diagnosis.

The cause of breast cancer could be varied, but most often occurs due to diet or lifestyle. Based on studies of breast cancer made during this dominant factor causes breast cancer, such as:
  1. Age: the number of the highest breast cancer sufferers are in the age range of 40-60.
  2. Gene: there are two genes that cause breast cancer risk of BRCA1 and BRCA2, i.e. both these genes very potentially affected by breast cancer. A report from Harvard Scool of Public Health declared there was a significant increase in breast cancer in estrogen replacement therapy users.
  3. Personal factors: symptoms of breast cancer can also occur in women who experience irregular periods under the age of 12 years or towards the menopause IE after the age of 55 years.

Other causes of a person exposed to the risk of breast cancer is obesity, the consumption of different types of pills, drinking alcohol and not breastfeeding. In addition to food and life style factors, other factors to look out for are the genetic factors. A woman who had a history of cancer in his family, such as the biological mother, should also be vigilant on her exposed to the risk of breast cancer.

Offered on Wikimedia, genetic factors in question is a process of mutation of several genes that play a role in the formation of the nonprofit breast cancer cells oncogene. These genetic factors that lowered the elderly sufferers of breast cancer on her son.

Types Of Breast Cancer

Types of breast cancer, there's an assortment can be cured some of them also include a very dangerous type of cancer. Breast cancer is a type of Ductal Infiltrating Karsoma for example, this type of cancer can spread to the other organs of the body. Breast cancer is a type of Ductal Infiltrating Karsoma is known by the name of invasive. As experienced Abbey (activist movement penderitan healthy breast cancer) breast cancer that left her attack other organs such as: brain, liver, lymph, and esophagus. The following types of breast cancer can strike anyone:

1. Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)

Scientifically, Ductal Carcinoma type of breast cancer is cancer cells in the ducts and have not spread into the surrounding breast tissue.

2. Lobular Carcinoma In Situ (LCIS)

Lobular Carcinoma is classified as a non-invasive breast cancer, but women who are undiagnosed Lobular Carcinoma affected are advised to perform a mammogram regularly.

3. Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma or Invasive (IDC)

Invasive Ductal Carcinoma cancers are Ductal Carcinoma of the impact because the cancer cells are found in the Ductal finally out and spread around the fatty tissue of the breast. This type of invasive breast cancer spreads to the lymph system and blood stream.

4. Lobular Carcinoma Infiltrating or Invasive (ILC)

Same as Infiltrating Lobular cancer, Lobulus Carcinoma can spread or be metastatic [5] to other body parts.

5. Terinflamasi breast cancer (IBC)

Breast cancer inflamed types of IBC is difficult to detect due to symptoms, not through checking of the lump in the breast. One of the early detection that can be done to identify breast cancer types of IBC is Breast skin becomes thicker and flushed and felt warm.

What sort of effect caused?

The direct effect caused by breast cancer sufferers and can be debilitating physical changes on the physical body. One of them is hair loss and acceleration of menopause. This hair loss due to chemotherapy, in addition to hair loss chemotherapy also makes body sufferers often experience pain. The following effects before and after breast cancer treatment/therapy:

  1. Menopause Symptoms. Breast cancer therapy can speed the menopause in women is particularly productive/young. Menopause caused the heat on the body, sweating and heart palpitations (pulsed very quickly).
  2. Hair grows back after loss (Chemotherapy). The hair will grow back after the devastating chemotherapy, but when the hair starts to grow, there is a difference in texture of the hair before chemotherapy and after chemotherapy. For example, the scalp becomes dry, sensitive and somewhat flaky. In some cases were reported by the breast cancer care mention in some cases, people with cancer can grow hair the same as before the chemotherapy but generally not so much there was even a case that permanently changed the hair of patients with cancer.
  3. In pain. Therapy is conducted after the therapy can cause pain on the body or nerves. Some sufferers can control the pain in his body but this would be difficult if the pain progresses each day.
  4. Fatigue and sleeplessness. Exhausted after doing therapy/treatment breast cancer is not normal fatigue. The perceived fatigue sufferers of cancer cannot be completed with sufficient rest and sleep alone. Usually fatigue and sleeplessness these happen for weeks post-treatment. The bad news is that because sufferers experiencing insomnia so that cancer patients become stressed.
  5. Lymphoedema. Lymphoedema is a swelling of the arms, hands or on the area of breast cancer sufferers and troublesome. Lymphoedema usually occurs after radiotherapy or even after several months of devastating breast cancer treatment.
  6. Osteoporosis. The risk of Osteoporosis will come faster after performing the treatment/healing breast cancer. This risk increased after treatment is done.
  7. Effect on fertility and pregnancy. Some of the cases that occur post treatment/healing breast cancer is difficult to conceive and the seriousness of impact can occur temporarily and permanently. Specifically for women who want to know the influence of breast cancer treatment on fertility is to do some checking and a consultation with a specialist.

A specialist will ask you about your pregnancy history (how many times), while also giving information on the possibility of menopause. Blood tests are done to measure the amount of the hormone FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone). The results will indicate whether women have menopausal symptoms.

How much does it cost for operation and maintenance?

Calculation of cost of treatment before surgery, time of surgery until after the operation needs to be taken into account. This important expenditure calculation is done to maximize the cost of treatment is right on target and Sepik for penderitan cure breast cancer. A woman who has been married for example can work together with the husband to think way out of such medical expenses or involve large families.

For example do the Division posts payments/financial aid from private money and family. For example, for medical expenses before the operation and implementation of the operation can use private funds first, after surgery/treatment using family Relief Fund. The role of the husband and family is very important in supporting the healing process of breast cancer sufferers.

Cancer patients are also advised to do data collection before you perform the operation. The data collected as a referral Hospital and doctors who will deal with Your illness. Treating breast cancer is not the same with the treatment of other diseases that can come and go after the operation.

The healing process of breast cancer is a long-term process through three stages (pre-operation-post operation) so as to require a doctor competent in dealing with Your disease. The long process of the cancer patients requires a person to look for the information of the magnitude the cost of treatment.

Before seeking funds for the costs of breast cancer treatment which of course will drain your savings, you should perform the management expenses medical expenses as follows:

  1. The cost of visits to the doctor. Patients need to calculate the cost of consulting a specialist, e.g., schedule a consultation did 3 times in a month/charge per consultation.
  2. Laboratory tests. Laboratory tests a blood sampling fees for checking a patient's disease.
  3. The cost of the procedure (rental space treatment and diagnosis). The cost of this diagnosis is a series of laboratory blood test cost and usually, will need space to stay for several days.
  4. An imaging test in the form of x-rays and CT-scans. CT-scans are performed by the important patient medical record as evidence of a disease that is present in the patient's body.
  5. Treatment with radiation (Radiation Treatments).
  6. The cost of purchasing drugs. Purchase of medicines will take a lot of costs because these drugs are functioning to prevent the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. Special Fund for the purchase of drugs needs to be planned and prepared specifically.
  7. This Type Of Hospital. The types and credibility hospital services need to concern the patient so that the treatment performed more effectively and efficiently.
  8. Care at home. Home treatment is usually carried out under operation, the cost of the rental is calculated to nurse patients. The nurse on duty must be the top referral hospital and is responsible directly to the doctors who handle the patients.

When Should Breast Cancer Surgery?

To answer this question, a patient need further mengkonsltasikan with specialist terelbuh. After performing the examination and consultation with a doctor, will explain the type of breast cancer patients, and the handling of what will be done. Therefore you need to know is what kind of breast cancer patients and the type of surgery performed is appropriate disease patients. The following types of operations of breast cancer that can be so patient reference:

  1. Breast Conservation Surgery. At this stage of the surgery and a portion of the breast will be appointed, large parts of which depends on the size and places the tumors grow. Breast conservation operation on known two kinds of operation i.e. Lumpektomi and Mastectomy. Lumpektomi that is surgical removal of the lump and some normal tissue around it. While the Mastectomy is surgery that removes more breast cancer in the tissues, not operating as much as Lumpektomi.
  2. Total mastectomy or simple. In this operation, the doctor will do an assumption of the overall breast but not lifting the lymph nodes.
  3. Radical mastectomy. This operation will remove the entire breast, lymph nodes under the armpit and the wall at the bottom of the breast.
  4. Modified radical mastectomy. This operation is performed by lifting the entire breast and some lymph nodes under the armpit.

It Is Important To Note

Sufferers are undiagnosed breast cancer should immediately notify the closest family in order for a precautionary measure as well as the procurement of funds immediately made. Many sufferers hide breast cancer disease breast cancer from the family because of the shame and is still unfettered customs to discuss a disease that attacks the vital organs. Therefore, knowing the risk of cancer early will give greater life opportunities for patients.

Treatment Of Breast Cancer

The effort that needs to be done for breast cancer sufferers are as follows:

1. Use sports as a lifestyle

It is important for cancer patients to stick to a routine of doing sports such as running, walking and fitness. Exercise every day will nourish the patient's body and eliminate stress because of the thought of the illness.

In general, women are not subjected to this deadly disease it is recommended also to keep exercising. A simple exercise such as walking can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. The total time spent in a day to work out as much as 2 ½ hours each day and walk as much as 30 minutes per day.

2. Eat healthy foods

We encourage everyone who is aware of the importance of healthy living is no exception for patients with cancer only to plan healthy menus every day. Not too often to avoid eating fatty foods, fried foods because these foods keep saturated fat that causes obesity as well as carcinogenic.

Do not consume too much fast food, but try to consume foods that are processed by yourself through the process of cooking. Multiply consumes fruits and healthy snacks snack with a change like oatmeal wheat.

3. Be Breast Aware

Prevent or early detection to be done every woman, especially if the family have a history of cancer, the risk will be greater. In addition, women also need to be more open-minded towards the chance of onset of breast cancer, because of the assumption every woman has a risk of developing breast cancer.

We recommend that you often download a wide variety of research results last about breast cancer, latest information reserved the discovery of cancer prevention so that we can do early prevention of cancer.

4. Collect information on cancer financial assistance

The issue of the cost of cancer treatment is becoming a scourge in addition to the effects of cancer itself. Currently, active patients must do a search in site related financial institutions that supervise the financial concerns of cancer patients.

Many State and national/international organizations provide financial information and finance. The Agency will direct the patient to obtain information in particular finance and financial.

Message For All Women

The best performing steps cancer prevention is to start a healthy life patterns as well as keep even reconstruct back your diet. No one knows the many questions of our body besides ourselves. If your economy is spent just to consume unhealthy food, it means you haven't really rich and smart. Think smart, Act scrupulous saved your life from the risk of cancer.
