Wednesday, August 24

The Kidney Transplantation

The Understanding of Organ Transplantation :

The transplant came from English, namely the words of transplantation, to transplant, which means to take up and plant to another (taking and paste in another place) or to move from one place to another (moving from one place to another).

According to transplant medical term, meaning an attempt to move some of the parts of the body from one place to another or medical efforts to move cells, tissues (the cells), or organs from a donor to recipients as well.
The Transplantation

Kidney Transplantation

One of the organs in the excretory system is the kidney. The kidney itself serves to conduct the process of excretion of certain substances which are not necessary or are harmful to the body. The number of kidneys there are 2 sizes of between 10-15 cm which is located on the right and left of the spine. The location of the lower right kidney instead of the position of the left kidney, it is because of the existence of a heart organ occupies the body cavity to the right quite a lot.

The kidneys do process the excretion of substances that are not needed by the body in liquid form are commonplace we call urine. In 1 day the kidneys could produce the urine up to 1.5 litres. There are some substances that are contained in the urine, such as urea, ammonia, and salt,-be careful of the results of the overhaul of the protein.
Kidney Transplantation

As an organ of the body, the kidneys can also be damaged resulting from habit or activity conducted by the owner of the kidney. Then when the kidney is damaged, who or what will be transporting toxic substances in the blood to be excreted? Because if no one is carrying toxic substances in the blood, substances that will settle in the body and continues to increase with each passing day, until one day the body is no longer strong resulting in death. Horrible isn't it?

For that reason, surgeons in the world are looking for ways to prevent such deaths. At the beginning of the 20th century, Alexis Carrel successfully transplant arteries and veins which are certainly very useful in medicine until, in 1912, he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

With the science of transplantation of blood vessels, in 1954, Dr. Joseph Murray ever does a kidney transplant/kidney grafts for the first time with success. In 1962 he also managed to do the transplants from dead people to someone who is still alive with the use of immunosuppressive drugs during the operation.

Kidney transplant itself is a method which utilizes a healthy kidney/function properly from the charities through surgical procedures to the recipients as well where the kidneys are already in a State of chronic. Kidney used must have the same genetic structure with the structure of the kidney which is owned by recipients as well so that the kidney is not experiencing rejection/complication of the recipients as well.

There are some terms in kidney transplantation, which are:

  • Isograft
The grafted kidney transplants which came from twin brother.
  • Allograft
A kidney transplant is performed by another individual of the same species.
  • Xenograft
Kidney transplant conducted were from a different species. For an example a baboon kidneys transplanted in humans.

Kidney Transplant

Kidney transplant itself, though it is done from the kidneys with the same structure sometimes still give rise to complications, because after all the transplanted kidney as a foreign object because it is not derived from the body of the recipients as well. To prevent such matters usually patients required taking the immunosuppressant as soon as possible after kidney surgery. This medication works by suppressing the body's immune system so as to reduce the risk of the occurrence of the rejection of the kidney transplant outcomes.

These drugs also have side effects that result in resistance to disease and the body becomes weak recipients as well so that the person will be easily exposed to infection. In addition, this medication also results in people's faces is blotchy and weight will be increased, and it must be consulted to the doctor in order to be handled properly so that it does not arise other more serious impact.

Your own surely does not want your kidneys are damaged, then underwent a kidney transplant? Therefore keep your kidneys as possible by not smoking, not eating an excess of something (that would cause the kidneys work very heavy), and consume at least eight glasses of water per day.

Image source: Google
